So, early on we decided that Keith would be the one to put Isaiah to sleep at bedtime. I am with Isaiah all day, so it gives him special "daddy time" at night. Keith also sang a special song to my belly every night while I was pregnant, so we hoped it would be a familiar tune once he arrived.
Having said that....there are obviously nights where Keith is not at home, because of his crazy schedule. So my story begins....
I changed Isaiah into his jammies, put his sleep sack on, got all six of his pacies put in his bed, clicked the sound machine and began to rock him and sing. Now, at nap time we sing a couple of songs and just lay him down to put himself to sleep, but at night we rock him until he is "out". Normally this process does not take a long time, but he definitely has his nights were he fights and wants to play. Well, this particular night his eyes became heavy very quick. Just as they were about to close, he lifted his arms to stretch and as he brought them back to his chest he rolled them like he was singing The Wheels on The Bus Go Round And Round. Now normally when he fights sleep he will sit up in my lap and give me this huge cheesy smile...not this night. He slowly let off this precious grin. He was totally oblivious to the fact that I was there. He was just too tired. He was so proud of himself that he had accomplished this task. I smiled at him as only a mom can and laughed Extrememly hard on the inside. He closed his eyes and did it again. Once again that sweet little grin came on his face. It took all of me to not laugh out loud at how sweet this whole thing was, but I did not want to awaken him. After a few more rolls and grins he finally gave up and soundly went to sleep. I put him in the bed, walked out smiling and remembered how very blessed we are.